At last, I Settled for Python!

Lois choji
2 min readJul 11, 2020

Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. It was created by Guido Van Rossum and first released in 1991. You can learn more about it here

Photo by Hitesh Choudhary on Unsplash

In late 2017 I developed interest in Tech after listening to a lady narrate how she became a Database champion in Africa. I found her story inspiring and voilà , “print ‘hello world’ ” was the next step I took in mid 2018. I wonder why it took me so long. I printed ‘hello world’ for the next 4 months and started designing shapes in Photoshop and fliers for 6 months. I thought I was going to be able to balance both but no way, it didn’t turn out well. Five months later, I was coerced into UI/UX design because my friend said I looked like someone who was good with User Interfaces. I tried to proof him right by installing Figma and playing with it for more than 2 months. Along the line I tried C++, Java, PHP, HTML and CSS and so on. If only there was an award for the most confused person.

Fast forward to late 2019 where I pledged to dedicate my time to python and it’s environs — literally.

Why I Chose Python?

  • I started with python . It was like starting all over again for me.
  • It is straightforward, remember I had explored other languages.
  • Python + Math and Statistics = Data Science. Sounded really cool.

“Python makes us extremely productive, and makes maintaining a large and rapidly evolving codebase relatively simple,” said Mark Shuttleworth.

So many reasons to choose python. But even after pledging allegiance to the ‘almighty Python’, people still suggest I learn other programming languages but I think I will have to stick to Python for as long as it takes. I’ll definitely explore later on.

To everyone who is just starting or thinking of starting, please don’t waste time trying to learn too many things at a time, know what you want and strife to be better . That doesn’t mean you should not broaden your horizon but pick a skill for a start and be good at it.



Lois choji

Data Science + Public Speaking + Digital Forensics +Tech in general +Focused on Beginners